
Zune Car Pack Review

Zune Car Pack
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*TAKE NOTE: Don't turn your radio on UNTIL you have found a clear FM station with the Zune Car Pack 2. Turning your radio on FIRST seems to prevent the device from finding any clear FM station.
*Some people have had luck tuning with the radio on. The important thing to remember is you are tuning a radio and just like a real radio it may take a little effort to tune it.
None of the harsh negative reviews are accurate IMHO and with respect to these people. It really makes me wonder of their validity in every single claim. The reviews greatly differ from the excellent and flawless product I just received and used. It could be that these well meaning people simply missing something on how to use this very simple and EXTREMELY effective device. My experience was a 100% POSITIVE with ZERO trouble! The Zune Car Pack 2 actually shocked the hell out of me because of the negative above reviews (I was already prepared to send it back). Like most everyone I read the user comments before I buy anything. I called Amazon to verify I could send this product back before I bought because of the horrid reviews above. Sometimes I will gamble anyway with a product purchase like this and this time and it paid off BIG. I got exactly what was advertised and what I wanted in my car.
1) I live in a VERY URBAN area. Nearly every single radio frequency is occupied. I plugged in the adapter hooked up the Zune used the auto-tune to find a clear station. Turned on the radio, tuned it to match the clear frequency and the sound was flawless. I honestly could not tell any significant difference from direct input. No kidding it works that well and that easy. There are also online resources that can locate some good clear FM frequencies by zip code if you should need extra help. The Zune Car Pack 2 finds the clearest stations for me everytime.
2) No static at all! Believe me I tried to get it. I shook my Zune like a nut, I shook the transmitter like an ape, I even placed metal objects on the cord and put the transmitter in every weird place I could think of. Perfect no static. I could not make static no matter how I tried (Man, I forgot to wrap everything in aluminum foil...now that may have a chance)! I tried my hardest to make this accessory sound bad and hear the static claims in the previous posted reviews. But the Zune Car Park v2 remained superb.
3) The Zune pad the is designed to hold the Zune on the dash or somewhere flat. Now I had my doubts about this set-up because I drive rather aggressively. I dusted off my dash and place the Zune on the pad. The thing is rock solid and I would trust it in almost all driving circumstances with confidence except for a hard hitting accident. A fender bender won't move that Zune a bit.
Try it out for yourself. You can always send it back to Amazon if you do not like the way it functions.
Plug in the adapter in the cigarette lighter, plug in the Zune, use auto-tune to find a clear station, turn on the radio, tune it to match the clear fequency and WOW!
The Zune Car Pack 2 is easy, static free, and movement DOES NOT effect the sound at all. As I said before I TRIED my hardest to get static but could not (with the exception of wrapping everything in aluminum foil).
The Zune Car Pack 2 is an excellent product in every respect.
That is what my real-world URBAN experience PROVED to me. I also learned you cannot always trust the reviews you read. Though I would not like to shop without them.
Give it a try as there is really nothing to loose----
I think that the problem is the device is so simple that people are not following the correct process for the device work properly (and the instructions could be better).
Remember to get the clear station tuned with the Zune Car Pack 1st and then turn on your radio and tune to the clear frequency.

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If you're taking a road trip, the Zune Car Pack gives you everything you need to be your own DJ, listening to your music through your car stereo while keeping your Zune charged. This device transmits music from your Zune into an FM frequency that can be picked up by your radio tuner. You can automatically select an optimal station for broadcast using the auto-tuning Zune FM Transmitter. It often takes more than one station to stay tuned in if you drive between different regions with different stations, that's why the Zune FM Transmitter has two presets so you can easily swap back and forth between your most commonly used broadcast stations. To keep up with a long road trip, you can charge your Zune while listening to music in the car. The magnetic storage clip allows you to keep wires out of your way, and the dashboard grip pad provides a great place to rest your device in the car. It is compatible with all Zunes.
What's in the Box: FM transmitter/charger, dashboard grip pad, product quick start guide, product manual.

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